Shannon ClarkeNutrition Essentials for Health Professionals - Shannon Clarke

In this 3 part presentation, Australian Dietician Shannon Clarke expands on the essentials of nutrition for sports performance and recovery – what all health professionals should know.

This session is suitable for all health professionals wanting to increase their understanding of basic nutrition strategies, weight loss and sports performance.

This presentation includes:

  • Analysis of the key food groups and why each are important in our daily diets.
  • Why brown and wholemeal options are preferred for athletic populations.
  • How many serves of each group per day are required for optimal health and energy and the common mistake people make when selecting serving sizes.
  • What are “free vegetables” and how our clients need to know this when planning their meals.
  • The problem with saturated fat and how to reduce this in your diet.
  • The difference between high and low GI foods and how to use each of these to maintain energy levels in athletes.
  • Why the actual temperature of the potatoes you are eating impacts on energy release.
  • When to use High GI versus Low GI foods to optimise training effectiveness.
  • How much protein do we actually need for good health and muscle gain anyway?
  • The importance of sodium and potassium in maintaining good health and function.
  • Why plant based iron sources such as spinach can be a problem and how to make them more effective as part of your full meal plan.
  • The best fries to order – if you are going to eat them – and how to make better fast food choices.
  • What to eat four, two and one hour pre-event to maximise energy levels and what to eat during actual events.
  • How some liquid meal replacements and energy drinks are better for men than women – and how this can impact performance.
  • The truth about “Runners Gut” and how understanding this can help you in your performance.
  • When to use energy gels and sports drinks so you do not reduce performance.
  • How to effectively read food labels so you do not become a victim of marketing by the manufacturers and the main number to look for in each label.
  • The trick used by chocolate milk manufacturers that can lead to overeating.

Plus much more...

Get immediate access to this session and over 60 hours of other incredible content from some of the world’s leading health and fitness experts by joining TODAY.

Shannon Clarke

Shannon ClarkeBachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics - University of Newcastle

Shannon exudes confidence and positivity and her relatable nature makes for a comfortable and ongoing relationship. She takes a practical approach to wellness understanding that every clients ‘health’ is dissimilar. Shannon invests her passion for health with every client to create a functional and manageable lifestyle for all her clients.

Shannon maintains a ‘functional’ healthy lifestyle by engaging in her daily favourites of yoga, outdoor activities and getting creative with cooking. Like any Dietitian she appreciates quality food (treats included) and thoroughly enjoys the social aspect of food.

Shannon has previously worked in the Sports Dietetics field with the Newcastle Knights under Peta Carige; an expert in the Sports Dietetic industry. She also prides herself on her international experience developing Diabetes and Weight Management programs. Shannon regualrly engages in community nutriton events; running exercise programs, cooking classess and body image seminars. Shannon is also a published nutrtion journalist reporting her experiences for the Dietitians Association of Australia.

You can contact Shannon at:

Bodyworx Physiotherapy
Shop 1, 78 Glebe Rd, The Junction NSW Australia 2291
Phone (02) 4952 7033

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